I have heard of children who refuse to wear anything but their favorite shirt or dress, but Cate has never been attached to a piece of clothing in that way before. That was until Aunt Amy and Uncle Jon (Cate's says Don), came back from Disney World with a t-shirt that had EVERY SINGLE Disney character they could fit onto the shirt! My child REFUSED to wear anything but this t-shirt for 3 days straight!
I like to give her the option in the mornings to pick out her clothes (when I actually have time and I'm not running late) and her shoes ( which are usually Mommy's boots). I have to hide this t-shirt in the closet or she would opt to wear it every single day! This is Cate the night she got her shirt while visiting Aunt Amy and Uncle Jon. She is fresh out of the bath and of course watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse! Cate loves going to Aunt Amy's and Uncle "Don's" (we just call them Amy and Jon) If you didn't know them, you would think they have a least one child! One of their guest rooms is decorated like a child's room. They have 3 neices and 1 nephew and love spoiling them all rotten. Cate is never ready to leave when I come to pick her up and clings to Amy like a little monkey around her neck. I hope I will be as great of an aunt one day as Amy is to Cate =)
OMG...kids are so mean. Thanks for sharing your stories...at least we can look back and laugh. I just dread anyone ever doing this crap to my own child one day. Ugh!