I never would have thought Cate would choose ANYTHING over Mickey Mouse Clubhouse! Why did it take me 2 years to find Noggin? Better yet, my mother found it, not me! This is Oswald and Weinie! Cate's new favorite show. Being a single parent can make getting ready in the morning a bit tough some days so Oswald is now on the DVR. It's hard for a toddler to understand why you can't put on your eyeliner and hold her at the same time. Basically, my mornings are spent showering as fast as I can, praying she won't stick her head in the shower and get water everywhere, while crying that she wants in the "tub-tub" with mommy. Last week she was determined to get in with me. She undressed herself and removed her diaper. I heard the toliet flush which ALWAYS leads me into a sprint to make sure nothing valuable was lost! Usually she is only flushing for the fun sound. (There is about a 5% chance of something actually BEING thrown into the toliet and flushed away. ) Something told me to check this time and sure enough, she had taken the diaper she removed and shoved it down into the toliet. Toliet paper....diaper.... it's all the same to her =) Of course anything that cute gets her what she wants for sure. So into the "tub-tub" with Mommy she went!
p.s. - I bought those color crayons for the bath tub and they are WONDERFUL! For you mommies who let your munchkins in the shower, these keep them occupied and OUT OF THE WAY! Cate no longer lays face down in the bottom between my legs staring at the drain =)
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