You would think after the first time this happens, that I would never allow it to happen again! WRONG! Sometimes Cate refuses to take a nap, so when she finally stops running around and sits for a moment, she's out! I admit it is funny to watch her little head bob as she slowly tries to get the food to her mouth with closed eyes. But in the same moment, my heart hurts that she's that sleepy and hungry at the same time. If I'm paying attention, then I get her to bed before her head hits the plate. My sweet angel LOVES to take her time eating and can sit in her booster chair for an hour before moving. So sleeping in the plate only happens during these loooong sittings where I try to take advantage and get some cleaning or laundry accomplished before my little tornado is off again!
The other night I put her to bed; we said our prayers and I tucked her in. Before I could even get to the door she sat up on her knees and said "dirty, dirty!" Of course in my head I'm running through all the possibilities...throw up, bloody nose, or an accident from her being "helpful" by taking off her own diaper. Confused, I looked at where she was pointing in her bed, and there were cheese nip crumbs all over her sheets. She had fallen asleep the night before in her carseat while eating cheese nips. So when I put her straight to bed when I got home, the cheese nips stuck in her clothes went "night night" too. At least she wasn't laying in her plate!
I have been reading your posts and they are too funny! for some reason I cant comment when i view it from tom's blackberry. thats when i do my catching up.....330 feedings i pull out the phone to read everyone's blog! aren't i a great multi tasker! love ya!
ReplyDeleteSarah! Cate is SOOO Cute!! I love your blog. I have never seen it before. That is the cutest picture of her falling asleep at the table! What a sweetheart! At least the cheese nips were in her bed. Sometimes when it has been a really long time, I put the girls in the bed with me in the morning. And feed them a dry waffle or something. But they always leave crumbs--so yucky!! Thanks for saying hi!!
ReplyDeleteSo sweet , I know a kid who never want to sleep for real :)