Tuesday, April 28, 2009
be unappreciative!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
have a green thumb! Or will she?
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
be caught wearing a bicycle helmet!

Friday, April 17, 2009
......love ANY show more than Mickey Mouse!!!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009
....not know her sister

Saturday, April 11, 2009
.....sleep in her food!

You would think after the first time this happens, that I would never allow it to happen again! WRONG! Sometimes Cate refuses to take a nap, so when she finally stops running around and sits for a moment, she's out! I admit it is funny to watch her little head bob as she slowly tries to get the food to her mouth with closed eyes. But in the same moment, my heart hurts that she's that sleepy and hungry at the same time. If I'm paying attention, then I get her to bed before her head hits the plate. My sweet angel LOVES to take her time eating and can sit in her booster chair for an hour before moving. So sleeping in the plate only happens during these loooong sittings where I try to take advantage and get some cleaning or laundry accomplished before my little tornado is off again!
The other night I put her to bed; we said our prayers and I tucked her in. Before I could even get to the door she sat up on her knees and said "dirty, dirty!" Of course in my head I'm running through all the possibilities...throw up, bloody nose, or an accident from her being "helpful" by taking off her own diaper. Confused, I looked at where she was pointing in her bed, and there were cheese nip crumbs all over her sheets. She had fallen asleep the night before in her carseat while eating cheese nips. So when I put her straight to bed when I got home, the cheese nips stuck in her clothes went "night night" too. At least she wasn't laying in her plate!
Friday, April 10, 2009

Thursday, April 9, 2009
......wear a leash!

"My child will Never wear a leash like a dog!" I think this is one of the greatest inventions yet! My sister had one when we were little because we lost her EVERYWHERE we went. Of course, back then they weren't so cute and stylish. You can't see it, but on Cate's back is a cute little puppy dog. This is Nana's leash. Mine is a hot pink one with a little purse, but I like Nana's much better. Cate does not mind her leash at all! She is making this face because I won't let her drag me around.
I have a very independent child. She loves to explore the world and wants to know what everything is called and know how it feels and smells. She does not like to be held and only wants to hold your hand if she is unsure of her surroundings. So this has been a great way to let her explore and give her some control, but to do so at my pace. I was very weary at first at putting her on "the leash" in public. But surprisingly, people find it to be cute. It is WONDERFUL in places like the mall. Cate also HATES to be pushed in a stroller. She and Nana take a walk everyday around the neighborhood and when she gets tired, then she will ride in her stroller. So if you have been hesitant about putting your child on "the leash", go ahead! Men tend to be the ones with issues about "the leash". They are no fun to shop with anyway =)
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
...... watch t.v. before the age of 2!
This is how I get ready every morning and how I get dinner cooked on the rare occassion that I'm feeling domestic. I have 22 episodes on DVR. Cate is watching Mickey Mouse with Mickey and Minnie and each hand. The baby gate is suppose to block her from pushing any buttons. I don't have to use it anymore, but those plastic covers didn't last a second in my house. If your buttons stick out, you can push the plastic and push all the buttons at once.
In the beginning, I felt guilty for it. But that guilt is long gone! I by no means believe that t.v should be a substitute for teaching our children, but a little distraction each day is ok with me!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
.....have a bad haircut!
Eddie: Sarah, did you see what your mother did to Cate's hair?
me: Yes, it's been like that for a week. I even took her to church like that.
Eddie: (look of disgust) Oh my God! What did you say when you saw it?
me: Nothing. She keeps Cate for me everyday at no charge. She can pretty much do what she wants. =)
My Blog List
Park City Utah2 years ago
Who is your Life Coach?5 years ago
Konrad Matthew Pfister7 years ago
Silence (2016)8 years ago
Roll tide in Texas11 years ago
Warning13 years ago
Friday Favorites14 years ago
Blog Archive
- be unappreciative!
- have a green thumb! Or will she?
- be caught wearing a bicycle helmet!
- ......love ANY show more than Mickey Mouse!!!!
- ....not know her sister
- .....sleep in her food!
- ......wear a leash!
- ...... watch t.v. before the age of 2!
- .....have a bad haircut!