I know, I know.... all you moms that have been doing this for a while are rolling on the floor laughing hysterically. But look at this face!!!!

Sunday I was trying to plan a fun day in the sun! She has on her swimsuit, her cover up and even sporting her sunglasses that she never wears! While I am running around the house getting HER sippy cup, HER sunscreen, HER diapers, HERS, HERS, HERS.......this is the look I get because mommy is soooo slow! I knew the day would come, but not this early! I thought I had at least a decade!!! =) And yes, those are my keys in her hand! When we are going somewhere this is how I am pushed out the door!

She gets my keys, my purse, my sunglasses, my "ugg" (mommy's drink- we have no idea where this name come from- we aren't coffee drinkers, so it's not from "mug"- who knows???), as well as, her "ugg", her diaper bag, and whatever random toy (or piece of clothing) is the fav for that morning. So of course she never makes it to the door with an arm load of stuff and a purse that weighs more than her. Hopefully by the time she's tripping, falling, dropping things, etc. I am close behind her picking up things in her wake and following her out the door. However, usually this is not the case because I ALWAYS forget SOMETHING! So by the time I have turned around to get something, turn a light off, or lock a door, my sweet angel has lost all patience with Mommy and has thrown herself down on the floor in a screaming, kicking tantrum! God only knows what those screams would mean if they could be translated!